Thursday, March 26, 2009

Random...Just post for fun

Just finish taking my 102 test... quite kek sim about d test. There is many question that i suppose to know how to solve but i cant solve it during the test. I feel that if this paper I can score above 60,I gonna thanks God d lo. This is my worst test i ever test for lsk paper. On the other hand, i also give my contribution to my dearest friends, because i took this test early as what i have done before. But this time i cant even help myself. WTH!!! Luckily my test 1 doing quite well, if not, i am going to kill myself d. Hope i can do well for my upcoming final exam. Also to all my friends..
After talking about sad things, is time to talk about some happy things. This coming friday,I will going to participate a badminton team event which is held at UniMAP(Perlis) in conjunction with d IMT-GT Carnival. This carnival is only for Universities from Northern Malaysia,Southern Thailand & Medan,Indonesia... My target for this tournament is to reach d semi-final since we are lacking our team top player-Seong Leng(Once MASUM men single Gold Medal, hope i also can get the medal but if i can get,I think is most probably is from chess not from badminton event ). Very excited bacause this is my 1st tournament which represent d USM team. Hope wont sia sui la.hehe.
I think is enough for today.My next post maybe is about IMT-GT o. Hope you all wont get sien la. B4 that,thanks for someone who celebrate my bday v me earlier.Really Really thx. Tata

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My thoughts,My feelings

Friday morning I just take my 162 test. Feel that doing quite well coz I only put in 70% effort compare to last sem I almost finish all my tutorial n assignment myself for 161. During d test, I have plan v jeff dat both of us choose 1Q to do 1st since there is only have 2Q!haha. What we plan works(actually is work 4 me only,cos jeff almost do his test on his own n finished it on time) n we both finish d test on time n still I can goyang kaki after I finish my test.(To certain ppl,don feel jealous n angry to me o)lol. Just kidding la. There is some incident happen during d test but at here I wont mention anymore cos both cf n jeff have post d same thing onto their blog,accept for one person which is good memory,nice looking,da fang but lazy to create own blog… Haha
After test, I and seng aik went to Pusat Bahasa to join a Scrabble competition which is held in conjunction with English Day. When which reach there,we almost using 15minutes to search for d venue—klinik bahasa.kns…After go inside that room,we realize that we are the TWO person who ever experience this game before.WTH! By wasting our 2 hours time at there, we leave for lunch even the competition had not finish and we also no bother d prize n certificate giving ceremont which will only be held at 3pm.Suck. Next time if I still have the chance to get in this type of competition,I hope it wont be organize by Pusat Bahasa! Is really too lousy n unorganise than I thought!
Having dinner at Queensbay… Thx 4 d dinner and the cheese cake. I really like it although it is too sweet. What a nice birthday cake for me eventhough there is 10+ days more before my birthday. Thx when also 4 sharing your story again v me. I m sorry that I no telling u so much about me cos I m a quiet n boring person. I promise u I will tell u when the time has come, I actually prefer to be a listener than a speaker…
During night badminton training, I accidently suffer a minor injury on my RIGHT hand when I warm up. Maybe is due to lack of playing badminton after I had sprained my ankle last week. Luckily,I m feeling more better now and my ankle is on the right track to be in my top fitness level cos I can continuous jumping smash without giving any more pain to my leg. Thx GOD, hope that I can perform well in the IMT-GT sports carnival.
Saturday morning,skip my badminton training. No mood n not feeling quite well actually. Noon, having 102 discussion v pretty tml n jeff. Thank u meimei for ur treat o~. Very happy. Thanks so much. Also I congrats you for your marvelous result that u achieved in 111 quiz. WELL DONE! Btw,remember to teach me 111 o. haha. To you three, do count on me la in 102 test. Trust me, I will tell all Q&ans 4 this test to you all.
At night,hang out v tml n jeff… having dinner at McD. Then go jalan-jalan at pasar malam and tesco. During our ‘Journey’, the transport we used is Bus no.11(For those who dono wat I means,go ask ur fren who good in mandarin.Actually I write this statement is for Jeff,lol.). Today is a day which I feel more like a University Student since I now using motor to attend all my classes n activities in USM. Eventhough I go khaleel I also will using it!WTH… cant believe it today I make my move from Tekun to Mcd thru USM then go back Tekun thru pekaka.
Seem like I write too many rubbish here. This time till here la. Thx 4 reading. Adios…

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


今天,我必须从早上10点上课至下午5点。期间只有1小时的休息时间。9点,仍在和周公下棋的我,被那无情的手机铃声给吵醒。不知是不是因为这几天迟睡早醒的关系,起床时眼前似乎是一幅北斗七星阵的景观,好不清醒。打点一切后,前往Unit Sukan 办理羽球和象棋的事务。处理了象棋队之事务后,我打算去找 Mustafa,羽球队的顾问,找了10分钟还找不到他。气死人!我有好多事向他交代和请教。对于刚接受管理羽球队的我,我终于体会到前辈在与他们(HUA NA)办事时的痛苦。不管了,下午再来找他。

第一堂课,英文。。不知怎的,鲜少在班上睡觉的我(Pls don argue this statement v me,4 those who c me slept at 102&111 class.Actually I m not sleeping,I just concentrating in wat lecturer say.Haha),竟然在这两小时的课里睡了整整一粒钟!睡醒后,我还跑去茅厕做大生意,真丢脸。由于课早放,我又在去Unit Sukan 碰碰运气。哪知那死Mus 还没来上班。还好遇到了他的上司,Miss Lee。我从她那里得到很多资料。虽然这是我第一次接触她,但我感觉非常的亲切。可能她是华人吧,可能她以前也是USM羽球队的一分子吧,或者可能是我Entao吧(还没睡醒,又在说梦话)。到头来,我还是没找到Mus。唉,还是明天再找吧。


养足精神后,我原本打算在今晚要好好地大干一场(102 &162),殊不知心血突然不来潮,没心情读书。整晚,我都在我的朋友聊天,还和龙一起去吃宵夜。就这样,我熬夜的生活还得延续呢。悲哀。。。写到这里,已经是凌晨3点半了,该是我停笔的时候了。也许4点才会上床睡觉吧,因为还在温习102


Monday, March 16, 2009



Thursday, March 12, 2009

Deeply in pain…

This is the 1st time I write my blog in English. Pls forgive me if there is any grammar and spelling mistakes.
Yesterday during my badminton training, I sprained my ankle unconsciously.What I have to say is this happened due to lack of warm-up b4 a game. As a sportperson, it is a responsibility to know how to take care of yourself n try not to get injured during trainings. But, I get injured , 2 weeks b4 my 1st ever competition dat I will represent USM—Imt-gt. How careless of me dat I din realize this may cause me a couple of weeks to b recovered n fit to play in d court.SHAME!!! Hope everything will b fine in d following 2 weeks n my leg can recover soon during this period.
Today, I just had my 111 quiz. This quiz is not like a quiz. Actually I feel that this paper is more like a test as I need a lot of time to finish it compare to d previous quizzes where I just used 2 minutes on average to finish it. Kanasai Hajar!haha. Talking about this quiz, I burnt the midnight oil 4 2days in a row just to study 111. But, I feel like I did not do quite well this time as there is one question dat I supposed to know how to do it,yet I dono y I did not do it correctly during dat time. This make me suddenly feel regret as since d 111 class start 4months ago,I never pay attention to the lectures n now I feel like this subject is d hardest 4 me compare to 102 & 162.Haiz…

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


一早起来,接到jackie的电话说今晚和一群羽球kaki一起去吃晚餐。就觉得怪怪的,原来他们想替我庆祝生日。几吓倒一下的咯。。 哈哈



现在是2009年3月11日凌晨2点07分,是时候开‘引擎’了。希望在5点之前能够上床睡觉。看到我的室友睡到不省人事的样子,真的有点羡慕噢。哎。谁叫我如此欠扁,早不读书,现在才来arm pia.加油吧!GOGOGO

Thursday, March 5, 2009






Tuesday, March 3, 2009





Jeff: No need to feel sorry n worry about me. Actually I wan to thx

u 4 being my side all the time. Thx buddy. Since u have go through ,I wish u happy n must b a good brother o~.

Monday, March 2, 2009


1)学业——距离年终考试剩下一个月的时间。3.5 应该不会太高吧。希望大家看了不要认为我是自视过高的人。只是觉得不想对不起对我寄以厚望的父母,小姨。上了11星期的课,突然觉得马来西亚经济很废。希望它别把我的分数拉低就好了。好有,基于我下个sem需兼顾羽球和象棋队的队长,我必须好好分配一下我的时间,这样才不会影响到学业。


3)羽球——希望代表USM去参加MASUM的队伍中可以容得下我这个小胖子。倘若如愿,希望可以和Ismail 能取得不错的成绩。


Sunday, March 1, 2009

