Thursday, April 30, 2009

My diary—29April2009

After having a sweet dream in my bed(own house),at noon,I going back to USM alone. Also busying d same thing.Haiz… Dono when can be finish.Really don wan chao lai chao ki liao.Quite angry and frustrated cos cant find Mustafa whole day although I try many times d.At first,I go unit sukan at 12.30,manatau he not in d office.So I plan to find him at 3pm.Between this 2hours interval,I go back my tekun room playing comp game n having some rest.

When I reach unit sukan 2nd time at 3pm,one of d officer say he is in a meeting,dono when can be finish…Ma de,really a shocker.Bo huat,I sms him ask him when he finish meeting contact me.So,无所事事的我bring my laptop go McD on9 while waiting him finish his meeting. Around 5pm,I meet Jackie coincidently.He just finish his last paper in one and a half hour time although he have been give three hours time to finish his exam.Keng lo him,quite similar v me lo actually,last sem I finish my 101 paper in just one hour n 15 minutes gua I think,haha. I so hao lian.xixi. Very happy v him lo,this week his dear come to penang find him,so sweet…Hope u enjoy ur trip la,next week centralize training start d lo,haha.

Going back to unit sukan for 3rd time at around 5pm…Meeting not finish yet,so I decide leave it away tomorrow only go meet him again. Very kek sim lo since he is the one who ask me go meet him one,but he is the one who doesn’t appear and come out to meet me. TL him very much lo.Wasting my time nia. Luckily I da fang,at this moment I quite free also, is quite ok to wasting my time at USM alone,hehe.

The feeling of loneliness become stronger as d president of d club is going back to her hometown at 4pm.Finally all club member going back to their sweetest home,just left me inside d campus.Haiz…Summore my good fren not feeling quite well after d exam n need to undergo an operation in this few days time.Hope him recover soon and we can go hang out together as we did b4.All da best to u. u know who I mean…

During dinner time,help Jackie move his thing to my room.Very tired lo.. To Jackie,must trat me eat holiao liao,d French fries just now not enough,hehe. 7pm,finally I 重出江湖,playing badminton for d 1st time since my accident two weeks ago.My hand really gatal lo.haha.Playing 7 games I think,I play quite weird actually as my movement bcome not so natural at all cos my leg is not fully recover yet,so I play in a way that my leg will not suffer so much pain. Hope when d traing start next week I can play like normal n improve further on my skill n my partnership v Ismail o v Jackie o okt…

This midnight mayb will go watch d match between MU and Arsenal v Jackie n his dear. Now wan take a nap 1st.Zzzz…

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

End of sem2…Next target---MASUM

Exam just finished two days ago..This two days come back USM to handle d MASUM chess and badminton team.Quite tired actually,cos I alone do so many things.Mayb is becos my lack of management skill or leadership experience, I have to do this on myself. Anyway,thanks for chee siang who help settle down some chess things and of course Jackie. Hope will learn from this experience and when I takeover chess and badminton team captain next sidang I wont be alone la…

Yesterday go watch The Snipers..Feel like d character of Edison is extra,useless n dono y he r in the movie. Quite regret after watching this movie, should watch Fast n Furious o Friday the 13 one.haiz… Go to 3rd road eat dinner and ‘gu gan tan’ eat wantan mee as supper, hope u enjoy d food la.Thx 4 acc me go out yesterday o. Really beh tahan v d char koay teow smoke.haha. Btw,really miss all d member of 8 club, waiting u all come back in 2 months time. But mayb I beh tahan,I will go taiping ,ipoh n segamat kai kai o.hehe. Waiting 4 me to come la…:-)

About my academic this sem… Don really satisfy with what I have been done so far.Got a sense that tis sem I will b kicked out from d dean list..haiz..Feel so sorry to my aunty n myself cos I promise to maintain my result v 3.5 in every sem…Now seem like no hope liao.Sad, so tl v myself. Just forget about this 1st, next sem only fight again.Jia you la.

MASUM---I will b participate in two event,chess n badminton…For chess, hope I can get a good result cos I m playing for the 1st board,quite pressure actually,d team do count on me to take point.Will try not lose a game in order not to influence my team… For badminton, I most probably will play in double. Ismail,kok tong n Jackie will most probably b my partner. After getting some experience from IMT-GT, I hope this time I will b the one who gaining point for the team but not losing point. Overall, really hope can get one medal from this two event.

Suddenly feel like I came USM is not for study,my view change as I never been a atlet during high school period. Being an atlet is one of my childhood dream no matter is represent nation,state or school.But is it too late for me to be an atlet now as a varsity player. This sem I spend most of my time in playing badminton n going for d competition…What should I do? It is my biggest interest anyway although I know as a Uni student,I should plan for my career after graduate but dono la, just let nature take it course..

My eng too weak,sorry if there is any grammar or spelling mistake.

Friday, April 24, 2009

IMT-GT Part 4

Final game between USM&UMSU. Me and Ismail fight very hard until i get muscle cramp on my left leg. But already try my best d. Hope next time will improve somemore. Enjoy
p/s: Pls don laugh at me...i look so stupid when i suffer muscle cramp.haiz...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

IMT-GT 2009 Part 3

Thanks for Jackie,our cameraman.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pain. Y i so careless?

15/4/2009 After watching an interesting match between liverpool n chelsea v jackie, 5.30am is d time i get to sleep. oredy 3days continuous sleep after 4am. dono y oso. after doing my revision on MAT111 n taking some nap at noon, as usual, i went to badminton court to meet my badminton geng. Although i stop training n jogging after i came back from d IMT-GT tournament,2nig i almost played 7 or 8 set of games within 3 hours. feel like need to improve my stamina again... Really enjoy partner v u,Ismail. I feel like our combination is getting better n better.Hope can perform well in MASUM. After d game,when i driving motor back to hostel,i accidently fall down from my motor,so shit... Driving motor alone oso can PENG one. I m so careless n STUPID!!ARGh..!! Luckily Seong Leng was bside me when i fall down. just suffer some minor injury on my right leg(again is my right leg! last time i just sprained my right leg ankle). Actually is nothing one,but i feel like y everytime when i prepare to go 4 a tournament, i sure will suffer an injury,so SHUAI!Hope next time i can take good care of myself. At here, i would like to say that driving is a very dangerous activity,hope u all bcareful n pay attention when u r driving.
P/S: Thanks Mr.long, seong leng,jacckie,leng hai,jeff,Ismail n teik yang who give me their helping hand just now. Xie Xie.

Monday, April 6, 2009

IMT-GT 2009 Part 2


6.10am 起床。我这么早起床的原因是准备去为我们USM女生队友支持加油打气。由于女队的实力实在是太强了,她们兵不血刃地以3-0击败UUM,打响首炮。我们今天的对手TSU只报名没报到,让我们不费吹灰之力的情况下,收获第二场胜利。这场胜利也意味着明天与UMSU的比赛是决定正副盟主之战。


10.30am 对垒UMSU Teik Yang在第一单打中拼尽全力后以19-218-21负于对手Lukas。接下来,我和Ismail肩负为USM扳平比分的希望。经过3局的激战后,我们以17-2122-2018-21憾负对手。纵观整场比赛,我和Ismail都一直处于落后的情况。对于能赢下第二局,我觉得自信心是一个重要的因素。这场失利也意味着USM将以副盟身份晋级半决赛并将对到USU。另一边厢,女队则继续她们的强势,以23-0横扫今天的两个对手。她们只需要在明天的比赛中取胜,就能赢得冠军。说起我,在我每场比赛中,我觉得自己一直在进步,我从开始的紧张到现在的信心十足和更集中。我对我的表现感到非常的满意。


我的21岁生日。。。非常感谢家人及朋友们的生日祝福。好开心喔!9.00am,半决赛开始。可能是怕我们吧,USU今天的排阵竟然来个乾坤大挪移!他们将一位双打球员放在第一单打,然后两名单打球员分别攻打双打以及第二单打。而我们则以不变应万变。毫无以外,Teik Yang 轻松地打响首炮。双打;首局,我和Ismail来势汹汹,以21-14先下一城。次局,比分胶着上升,非常接近。20-20,加赛点dius,从21平到26平,间中,高潮迭起,双方各有机会拿下这局,但都给白白浪费掉了。最终,我和Ismail坚持住了,28-26,我们迈入决赛了!Hooray!好不开心!第一次有种成为英雄的感觉。好爽,好不痛快!过不久,女队也顺利拿下最后一场比赛并正式地成为冠军。恭喜喔!在中午休息时,USM队所有队员都在羽球馆中休息。(那时只有几位工作人员以及USM队员,非常冷清)。突然间,我的队友拿着一个蛋糕进来!吓倒!想不到他/她们真的为我庆祝生日哦。非常开心和感动,只差没掉眼泪而已。哈哈。真的真的非常谢谢他/她们尤其是Jackie,他特别记住我的生日日期就是为我庆祝生日。我永远也不会忘记今年的生日,21岁吗,怎么也要有点不同凡响吧,对不对?哈哈。决赛,再次对垒UMSU。为了赢下这场比赛,我们把Teik Yang Faizal 的位置调换,让Faizal打第一单打,Teik Yang打第二单打。所以,我和Ismail 双打这一场便成了非胜不可的一场赛事。如预料中,Faizal以直落两局负于对方的第一单打。然后,轮到我和Ismail上场了。第一局,我们处处受制,无法发挥自己的水平,11-21。输掉首局后,我和Ismail改变场上的策略。结果,第二局,比分交替上升至19平时,我们成功顶住压力连拿两分扳回一局。尤其是最后一分,我甚至打了一个黏网球(Happy net shot)。决胜局,在我们以2-6落后时,不幸的事发生了。在我蹲下回对方的一个放网前球时,我的左脚抽筋了。KANASAI!真想不到我会在这么关键的时刻抽筋,气死人了。经过短暂的治疗后,我重新站回场上。但由于左脚一时无法恢复,比分也就被对方拉远了,再经过一番抵抗之后,我们以11-21输掉第三局并输掉则场比赛。USM也就只能满足于亚军的成绩。虽然有点伤心(在生日当天输球),但我对我队在缺少大哥商领的带领下仍能取得亚军的成绩而感到骄傲。USM BOLEH!!!8.00pm,启程返回槟城,由于巴士需绕道去Nibong Tebalengineering campus的学生,我被迫11.30pm才能到达USM抵达USM后,好累。。经过5天的UniMAP之旅后,我学了很多并见识了许多。

Sunday, April 5, 2009

IMT-GT 2009 Part 1


凌晨3点钟,经过两小时的煎熬后,终算赶完econ tutorial. 早上起床时,已经是11点了。和成亿,琪芳,和美玲一起在Tekun 吃午餐。3.00pm,padang kawad 集合准备出发前往IMT-GT。在此我特别感谢成亿的陪伴,以及朋友们的祝福。干等了30分钟,我们的巴士终于来了。不幸的是,巴士刚走不久,就必须前往检查站维修出了问题的巴士冷气系统。大概4.30pm左右,巴士才正式启程。旅途中,幸好有妳的陪伴,我才不会觉得闷。8.00pm,到达玻璃市UniMAP位于Wang Ulu 的宿舍。整个晚上,我和队友玩牌消遣以及讨论明天比赛的策略。2.00am我们才入睡。


早上6点,起床。准备妥当后,我们7.30am集合前往UiTM 的体育馆参加此次赛会的开幕仪式。在猛烈的阳光照射下,我们穿着厚厚的jackettrack bottom整整在那草场站了2个多钟头,真的累死人了。在这次比赛中,USM被分配在有卫冕冠军,UMSUTSUUUM同组。下午4点,第一场赛事,对垒UUM。在有Teik Yang 坐镇的第一单打中,他不负众望地以直落两局击退了对手,为USM先拔头筹。接下来,我和Ismail下场迎战对方的第一双打。一番激战后,我们终算以21-1922-2421-11的比分拿下了对手。纵观整场比赛,我和Ismail都犯下了兵家大忌-紧张的毛病。尤其是我,发球几乎不是下网就是太高,幸好我的杀球为我弥补了我的失误,才不至于输掉比赛。总比分2-0。接下来,Faizal3局的比分输给了对方的第二单打。USM2-1的比分拿下了胜利,取得开门红。晚间,与队友在hostel附近的食摊吃晚餐。在床上翻滚思索许久后,我,继昨天之后,再一次地2.00am才入睡。